Buttermere Pastry Chef and Owner Jamie Tung
Buttermere Pastry Chef and owner Jamie Tung showing guests how to make pineapple cake at a recent event near the Chinatown and Main Street area of Vancouver.
Buttermere Pastry Chef and owner Jamie Tung doing a pineapple cake baking demonstration.
Pineapple cake by Pastry Chef Jamie Tung.
Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019
Congratulations to the 2019 Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees! What a privilege it was to meet them and to hear their amazing stories.
Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019. Back row L to R: Joe Rea, Kathy Newman, Viviane Forest, Joey Johnson. Front row L to R: Garett Hickling, Josh Dueck, Colette Bourgonje. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019. Back row L to R: Joey Johnson, Joe Rea, Kathy Newman, Viviane Forest. Front row L to R: Josh Dueck, Garett Hickling, Colette Bourgonje. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Ron Tite - Church + State Founder and CEO
"Authenticity is being comfortable with your imperfections. Nobody wants to see the stock photo version of you." So glad to hear this keynote speech by Ron Tite (CEO, Church + State) given in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Church + State CEO Ron Tite giving his keynote in Vancouver, Canada.
Church + State CEO Ron Tite giving his keynote in Vancouver, Canada.
Church + State CEO Ron Tite giving his keynote in Vancouver, Canada.
Greta Thunberg at Vancouver Climate Strike March on October 25, 2019
16-year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was in Downtown Vancouver on Friday October 25th, 2019 to speak at Climate Strike March.
Greta Thunberg at a Climate Strike march in Vancouver, Canada on October 25, 2019.
Greta Thunberg with Severn Cullis-Suzuki at a Climate Strike march in Vancouver, Canada on October 25, 2019.
David Suzuki at the Climate Strike march in Vancouver on October 25, 2019.
NBA Pre-Season Game in Vancouver - LA Clippers vs. Dallas Mavericks
Fun fact about the NBA pre-season game in Vancouver: both the assistant coaches for the LA Clippers and Dallas Mavericks are women. The Dallas Mavericks CEO is a woman. The President of Business Operations for the LA Clippers is a woman.
Natalie Anchowa, WNBA player and Jenny Boucek, assistant coach Dallas Mavericks. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Gillian Zucker, President of Business Operations, LA Clippers. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Cynthia Marshall, CEO Dallas Mavericks. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Cynthia Marshall, CEO Dallas Mavericks and Kayla Gray, reporter/anchor TSN Sportcentre. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Cynthia Marshall, CEO Dallas Mavericks, Jenny Boucek, Assistant Coach, Dallas Mavericks, Natalie Anchowa, WNBA player. Vancouver, BC Canada.
American Astronaut Scott Kelly
Retired American Astronaut Scott Kelly at a recent event in Coal Harbour in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
American Astronaut Scott Kelly in Vancouver, BC Canada.
American Astronaut Scott Kelly in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Women's Conference - Vancouver, BC Canada
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau
L to R: Melinda Gates (Co-chair Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Shivani Siroya (CEO and Founder Tala), Judith Spitz (Founder Women in Technology and Entreprenuership in NY), Roya Mahboob (Founder and CEO Afghan Citadel Software Company) and Nick Oketch (Founder LucyBot).
Malala's (co-founder Malala Fund) parents Ziauddin Yousafzai and Toor Pekai Yousafzai are just as amazing as she is. The whole family are champions of girls education. Fun fact: They named Malala after Malalai of Maiwand a famous Pashtun poet and warrior woman from southern Afghanistan.

Annual Meeting - Sheraton Wall Centre
An annual meeting I covered in March 2019 at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Downtown Vancouver, BC Canada. There were keynote speakers, poster sessions, an evening gala and an AGM.
Conference participants listen to keynote speaker. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver,BC Canada.
Poster session. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Students after poster session. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver, BC Canada.
WE Day Family and WE Day 2018 - Vancouver, BC Canada
Keshia Chante Canadian R&B/pop singer, songwriter, TV personality, actress and philanthropist in Vancouver, BC, Canada. November 2018.
Linda Phan and Drew Scott Canadian actor, Property Brothers co-host, realtor and entrepreneur. Vancouver, BC, Canada. November 2018.
Grace Dove Canadian actress (Revenant, How it Ends) and TV host. Vancouver, BC, Canada. November 2018.
Margaret Trudeau with young fan in Vancouver, BC, Canada. November 2018.
Vancouver's New Mayor Kennedy Stewart
Vancouver's new mayor Kennedy Stewart elected on October 20th, 2018. Here he is with Svend Robinson at the Vancouver Pride Parade earlier this year.
Vancouver's new mayor Kennedy Stewart at the Vancouver Pride Parade earlier this year. Vancouver, BC Canada. October 2018.
Client Appreciation Event Photography - Vancouver, BC
Event photography at client appreciation event in Vancouver, BC.
Sushi chef at client appreciation event in Kitsilano. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Guests at client appreciation event in Kitsilano. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Guests at a client appreciation event in Kitsilano. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver Conference Photography - Exhibit Hall
Google booth at tech conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mars VR experience booth. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Conference attendee testing a VR application. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
ftrack presentation at tech conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
otoy booth. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Testing a VR game. Vancouver, BC, Canada.