Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019
Congratulations to the 2019 Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees! What a privilege it was to meet them and to hear their amazing stories.
Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019. Back row L to R: Joe Rea, Kathy Newman, Viviane Forest, Joey Johnson. Front row L to R: Garett Hickling, Josh Dueck, Colette Bourgonje. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Paralympic Hall of Fame Inductees 2019. Back row L to R: Joey Johnson, Joe Rea, Kathy Newman, Viviane Forest. Front row L to R: Josh Dueck, Garett Hickling, Colette Bourgonje. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Annual Meeting - Sheraton Wall Centre
An annual meeting I covered in March 2019 at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Downtown Vancouver, BC Canada. There were keynote speakers, poster sessions, an evening gala and an AGM.
Conference participants listen to keynote speaker. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver,BC Canada.
Poster session. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Students after poster session. Sheraton Wall Centre. Vancouver, BC Canada.