Vancouver Artists Transforming Robson Street
Vancouver artists are transforming Robson Street in Vancouver by painting on boarded up storefronts. The Downtown Vancouver BIA and Vancouver Mural Festival have enlisted the artists to create a more positive environment. The storefronts have been boarded up due to an increase in commercial break-ins due to the pandemic.
Artist Taka Sudo with his mural on the Muji Store on Robson Street. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Artist Animalitoland (Graciela Gonçalves Da Silva) paints her mural on Robson Street. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mural on Robson Street by Chairman Ting. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mural on Robson Street by Artist Sandeep Johal. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver Tribute to Nova Scotia
The Olympic Flame at Jack Poole Plaza in Coal Harbour was lit in red on Friday April 24, 2020 in tribute to Nova Scotia and the recent tragedy there. Flags were also at half-mast across the city.
Olympic Flame at Jack Poole Plaza lit in red. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver Restaurants Still Open With Take Out Options
Seeing all the boarded up store fronts and closed notices on so many businesses makes it seem like everything is shut down due to the pandemic. I was in Gastown the other day and passed by Six Acres in the heart of Gastown by the Gassy Jack statue. They had rigged up and outdoor stereo system and had their windows open - signs to show everyone that "Hey - we're open!" If you are in a position to, please support our local businesses. Six Acres is located at 203 Carrall St and is open for takeout from Tuesday to Sunday from 12pm-8pm.
Six Acres in Gastown remains open. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Takeout menu for Six Acres in Gastown. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Throwback to Climate Strike March in September 2019
Here are some photos from the Climate Strike March across Cambie Bridge in Yaletown in September 2019. It's unreal to look back on these photos and see large crowds like that. Happy Earth Day.
Different signs at Climate Strike March in Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 2019.
Crowds crossing Cambie Bridge into downtown Vancouver during the Climate Strike March. September 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
People watch as the crowd crosses Cambie Bridge into downtown Vancouver. Climate Strike March. September 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Kids with signs at Climate Strike March in Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 2019.
Buses and other traffic is held up during the Climate Strike March in Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 2019.
Frontline Workers at 7pm Cheer in Downtown Vancouver
Frontline workers at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC, Canada come out to hear the 7pm nightly cheer for healthcare workers.
Frontline workers at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC, Canada come out to listen to the 7pm cheer. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
No Vehicle Access to Stanley Park Until Further Notice
There is no public vehicle access to Stanley Park in the Westend as of April 8, 2020 until further notice. Vancouver Park Board limited access to reduce the number of people gathering at the park due to the pandemic. Aquarium workers, yacht club and rowing club staff, HMSC Discovery, and emergency vehicles are the exception. The bus into Stanley Park is still running. Cyclists are asked to use the road now and leave the seawall for pedestrians. Park rangers and police are on hand to inform drivers of the change. Parking lots have already been closed and the City of Vancouver is enforcing parking bylaws in the Westend again.
Vancouver Park Rangers near a newly installed gate at the an entrance to Stanley Park. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Park rangers are on hand to inform the public of the changes. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Park rangers set up an ID checkpoint. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver Gas Prices 2019 vs. 2020
Last year on April 15, 2019 I took a photo at a downtown Vancouver gas station as the prices were rising dramatically and I wanted to document it for history. This year as the prices were falling I went back out on the same day around the same time (after 3pm) on April 15, 2020 to document the price fall. What a difference a year makes - 74 cents/L! Fun fact: This is the only gas station in Vancouver's downtown penninsula. All other gas stations have been sold for development.
Price of gas was 95.9 cents/L at a downtown Vancouver gas station on April 15, 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Price of gas was $1.69/L at a downtown Vancouver gas station on April 15, 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vancouver Store Fronts Boarded Up
Vancouver store fronts are being boarded up due to a increase in break-ins during the pandemic.
Entire block of store front on Robson St. boarded up. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Man walks past boarded up store front on Robson St. in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Store fronts on Robson St in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Stephen Colbert in Vancouver for Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics
Thowback to when American comedian Stephen Colbert was in Vancouver during 2010 Winter Olympics to film the Colbert Show. He filmed his show on February 17 and 18, 2010 (10 years ago today) at the park down at Science World in False Creek and invited the public to come.He called us bunch of syrup sucking ice-holes and rode a prop moose after the crowd started chanting, "Ride the moose! Ride the moose!"
Stephen Colbert in Vancouver during the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Stephen Colbert waving the Canadian flag. Vancouver, BC Canada. February 2010.
Stephen Colbert getting ready to go on stage to film the Colbert Show. Vancouver, BC Canada. February 2010.
Stephen Colbert with snowboard cross gold medalist Seth Wescott. Vancouver, BC Canada. February 2010.
Vancouver 2010 Olympics 10-Year Anniversary Event at Jack Poole Plaza
The Olympic Cauldron at Jack Poole Plaza in Coal Harbour was relit on Wednesday February 12, 2020 to mark the 10 year anniversary of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Athletes Jenn Heil (freestyle skiing) and Mercedes Nicoll (snowboarding) and Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion) were among the speakers commemorating the anniversary.
Dignitaries including Mercedes Nicoll (snowboarding), Jenn Heil (freestyle skiing) and Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion). Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mercedes Nicoll (snowboarding) with a group of athletes. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Jenn Heil (freestyle skiing) speaks about her Vancouver 2010 Olympics experience. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
100th Anniversary Polar Bear Swim - English Bay in Vancouver, Canada
A record-breaking 6500+ swimmers participated in the 100th anniversary Polar Bear Swim on Wednesday January 1, 2020 at English Bay in the Westend in Vancouver, BC Canada. Air temperature was 10 degrees Celsius and the water temperature was 7 degrees Celsius. Happy New year everyone!
Swimmers at 2020 Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Swimmers dress up in costumes for the Polar Bear Swim 2020 on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Deadpool Lego character by the Styrogirls. January 1, 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
A group of swimmers support each other. January 1, 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Swimmers at 2020 Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Google Street Trekker in Vancouver, Canada
Spotted a Google Maps Street Trekker in Vancouver on Thursday December 5, 2019. They are used to record street views for Google Maps in places where their cars can't go. They've used it to document places such as Angkor Wat and the Grand Canyon. They also have a Streetview snowmobile which has documented Whistler Blackcomb Mountain and a Streetview Trolley for museums and similar spaces. And the best thing is they loan the Street Trekker out to organizations (government agencies, tourism boards, non-profits) for places they'd like to document. #googletrekker#streetview#vancouver#canada#googlestreettrekker#googlemaps
Google Street Trekker in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Google Street Trekker in Vancouver, BC, Canada.