Editorial Photo Douglas Coupland
Editorial photo of artist and author Douglas Coupland with the mural he designed for a residential building at English Bay in Vancouver, BC. June 2022. The mural is called ‘Sunset Beach Love Letter’.
Vancouver Fabric Stores in Gastown
Dressew (337 W. Hastings St.) in Gastown is closed because of the pandemic, but today they've launched their online store, www.dressew.com with in-store pick up between 12pm-3pm. Atex Fabrics (330 W. Hastings St.) is right across the street from Dressew is OPEN from Monday to Saturday from 12:00pm-5:30pm. They have fabrics and notions such as elastics if you are looking to make some cloth face masks. Visit their website for more information. https://www.atexfabrics.com/
Vancouver Artists Transforming Robson Street
Vancouver artists are transforming Robson Street in Vancouver by painting on boarded up storefronts. The Downtown Vancouver BIA and Vancouver Mural Festival have enlisted the artists to create a more positive environment. The storefronts have been boarded up due to an increase in commercial break-ins due to the pandemic.
Artist Taka Sudo with his mural on the Muji Store on Robson Street. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Artist Animalitoland (Graciela Gonçalves Da Silva) paints her mural on Robson Street. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mural on Robson Street by Chairman Ting. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mural on Robson Street by Artist Sandeep Johal. Vancouver, BC, Canada.